Much of the work of Barnet Furniture Centre is carried out by volunteers, and without our volunteers we would simply be unable to operate. We run structured training placements for volunteers in the office, warehouse, workshop and on the vans. A number of our volunteers have been out of paid work for long periods of time and volunteering can be a crucial stepping stone to eventually finding paid employment.
Volunteers come to us from a variety of sources, such as training programmes, agencies or are local people who want to do some good in their community.
We are proud to say that the majority of our work placements have entered paid employment since leaving the project, having gained skills and confidence. We are also delighted to have retained some of our work placements in paid employment at the centre.
If you are interested in volunteering for Barnet Furniture Centre please phone us on 020 8361 6802 or email us at info@barnetfurniturecentre.org to get in contact. Similarly if you represent an organisation which wishes to place volunteers with us please do not hesitate to contact us.